Student Grievance Procedure

The non-academic grievance process assumes that:

  1. A student has been disciplined or sanctioned for violation, or
  2. A student has a grievance against a student or faculty/staff member for unprofessional behavior or a decision made or action taken by that student or faculty/staff member.

This grievance process assumes that existing administrative/informal channels have already been exhausted in the student’s attempt to seek remedy. This means trying to resolve the problems by meeting with the following (in the order listed):

  1. Student or faculty/staff member
  2. Supervisor of the faculty/staff member (in case of faculty, it is the Dean)
  3. Vice President for Student Affairs

Other Central staff members may be included in this priority list as the situation warrants, e.g. Counselor. Failure to achieve a mutually acceptable solution to the informal grievance will result in informing the student of the formal Student Grievance Process.

The grievant may provide whatever evidence he/she feels shall be beneficial to his/her case. This may include, but is not limited to, written statements from witnesses and character references. The Student Grievance Committee reserves the right to limit the number of witnesses and/or to limit the time allowed for either party to present the case. The grievant shall have the right to select and to be assisted by an advocate in the proceedings.

At the conclusion of the presentation of the grievance, the Committee may ask questions of the grievant and the respondent for the purpose of clarification. Committee members may take notes of the proceedings to assist them in their deliberations. All committee hearings, including any witness testimony, will be conducted in closed sessions.

The recommendation will be by majority vote with the Chair casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie. The Committee recommendation is forwarded to the Vice President for final action and shall be communicated in writing to the student. The grievant and respondent will be informed of the Vice President’s decision.

Should the grievant wish to appeal the Vice President’s decision, he/she should address such appeal to the President, in written format.