Student Grievance Committee Procedures

The internal hearing will be conducted using the following format:

  1. The chair of the Student Grievance Committee of the internal hearing shall open the hearing by stating:

    My name is __________________ and I am the Student Grievance Committee Chair of the Central Wyoming College Grievance proceedings to consider a formal grievance filed by ______________, the grievant, against _____________ named as respondent. Today’s date is _______ and the time is _________. Central Wyoming College requires strict confidentiality of those serving on this Student Grievance Committee, and respectfully requests that both grievant and respondent use good judgment in the use of the notes taken during these proceedings. I ask that those present at this hearing now identify themselves and their role in this proceeding. Witnesses will identify themselves and their roles as they are called. Both the grievant and respondent may have an advocate/representative present during the hearing, but no attorneys will be allowed to attend or participate in the hearing.

  2. All present at the hearing identify themselves, and their role. Witnesses identify themselves and their roles as they are called.
  3. The Student Grievance Committee Chair reviews the hearing procedures:
    1. The grievant will be allowed to explain his/her position and outline the evidence s/he proposes to offer.
    2. The respondent will be allowed to explain his/her position and outline the evidence s/he proposes to offer.
    3. First the evidence of the grievant will be heard. Witnesses for the grievant may be questioned by the grievant or his/her representative, by the respondent or his/her representative, and by the members of the Student Grievance Committee.
    4. The respondent’s evidence will be heard. Witnesses may be questioned by the respondent and his/her representative, by the grievant or his/her representative, and by the members of the Student Grievance Committee.
    5. Additional evidence may be offered by the grievant.
    6. Additional evidence may be offered by the respondent.
    7. After both sides have presented their cases, the committee may question either party, may recall witnesses, or call additional witnesses.
      1. When both parties have presented their cases, the grievant and respondent may give final statements. The respondent will be allowed to speak first. The grievant will give the closing statement.
      2. The Student Grievance Committee Chair shall declare the evidence closed and excuse everyone other than the Committee.
      3. When recesses are necessary, the Student Grievance Committee Chair will state the following: This session of this Central Wyoming College Student
    9. Grievance proceeding related to a grievance filed by _______ against ____________ as respondent will now recess until __________________.

    10. Subsequent sessions will begin by the Student Grievance Committee Chair stating the following: This is session #_______ of a Central Wyoming College
    11. Student Grievance proceeding involving ____________, grievant, and _______________, respondent. Those also present at this session will introduce themselves. Witnesses will introduce themselves as called.

    12. The Student Grievance Committee Chair will state the following for final comments to a grievance proceeding: This concludes this grievance proceeding related to a grievance filed by ___________ against ___________ as respondent. Today is _______________. The time is _________________.
    13. The Committee will then meet in closed session, review the evidence presented and determine its recommendation.