Non-Academic Grievance Process

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs handles all non-academic grievances.

  1. The student who claims unfair treatment should meet with the Vice President for Student Affairs in order to resolve the issue informally.
  2. Within five (5) working days of the informal resolution meeting, the student should file a formal written grievance if the efforts to resolve the issue informally fail.
    1. This formal grievance should be filed with the standing Student Grievance Committee, chaired by the Vice President for Student Affairs.
    2. If the Vice President for Student Affairs is named as the respondent, the Vice President for Administrative Services shall serve as chair of the Student Grievance Committee.
  3. The formal written grievance shall include:
    1. a description of the actions of all parties involved in the alleged unfair treatment and the time and location of the alleged occurrence;
    2. a description of steps already taken to resolve the situation, if any;
    3. a statement of the reason(s) the student filing the grievance believes the incident constitutes being treated unfairly; and
    4. the relief or remedy resolution sought by the student filing the grievance
  4. Within five working days, the Student Grievance Committee Chair shall provide copies of the grievance to the individual or office whose action is being appealed.
  5. Within five working days, the office or individual whose decision is being appealed may submit written response(s) to the Student Grievance Committee Chair. Within this time frame, either party to the grievance may request replacement of a maximum of one Committee member by the appropriate alternate.
  6. Within five working days, the Student Grievance Committee shall call for a hearing to be held within five working days. A minimum of two working days’ notice shall be given to the student filing the grievance and the person or office whose action is the subject of the grievance.
  7. The Student Grievance Committee shall conduct a hearing by calling for the presentation of the student’s case at a given time and place. The student filing the grievance and his/her chosen advocate and the representative of the office that is the subject of the grievance will be provided an opportunity to explain the grievance. The Committee may limit the attendance of other persons unless it is critical to the action and is approved by the Student Grievance Committee.

Time limits indicated in the steps shall be strictly enforced, unless mutually agreed upon by the involved parties and approved by the Student Grievance Committee. Each step begins at the completion of the preceding step.

A POSTPONEMENT may be requested by the parties to the grievance or by the Student Grievance Committee. Postponements should be requested at least 48 hours before the scheduled hearing time and normally will be granted.

Any deviations to the written procedures may be made by mutual consent of the grievant and the respondent, and with the approval of the Committee.

The grievant may withdraw the grievance at any point in the process.