Student Responsibilities

The Disability Services Coordinator strives to provide support services that will help you achieve a successful educational experience at CWC. All accommodations provided must be appropriate for your documented disability. Your responsibilities as a student requesting accommodations from Disability Services are as follows:

  • Provide the Disability Services Coordinator with appropriate recent documentation of your disability from a qualified professional.
  • Visit with the Disability Services Coordinator before the beginning of each semester, providing a copy of your course schedule and establishing accommodations for that semester. (Accommodations are not retroactive.)
  • Contact your instructors within the next week to confirm accommodations as approved by the Disability Services Coordinator and make any necessary arrangements.
  • If accommodations are not provided or instructors are not cooperative, contact the Disability Services Coordinator immediately. If staff is unavailable, please leave a detailed message.
  • Advocate for yourself with your instructors and take responsibility for making sure that accommodations are provided.
  • Inform the Disability Services Coordinator of any changes in your schedule, program of study or personal information such as address or phone number.

Accommodations may be revoked if you fail to uphold these responsibilities.

All disability related records will be destroyed five years from the date of initial contact with the Disability Services Coordinator unless you remain actively enrolled at CWC or otherwise notify the Disability Services Coordinator in writing.