Student Bystander and Violence Reporting

The college is committed to the overall safety and security of the campus and strongly encourages all members of the campus community to take an active role that is conducive to this commitment. It is imperative that all members of the campus community notice potential threats to the safety of students or staff, violations of campus policy, criminal activity, a missing or unaccounted for student or staff member, or any negative behavior, and report them as soon as possible to the college or other appropriate authorities. The college strongly encourages any member of the campus community to report any situation that may threaten the campus environment.

Campus Security provides ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) (A Citizen Response to a Violent Intruder) training to staff, students and community members free of charge. Contact Campus Security if you are interested at (307)855-2143.

Reports that a particular student is behaving in an actual or potentially harmful way to themselves or others, has attempted suicide, or has threatened suicide should be made using a Student in Crisis Report (SCR) form. These forms are available in the Counseling Office, the Vice President for Student Affairs Office, or the Student Support Services Office. See the Student Personal Welfare section for actual procedures.

Reports of a dangerous situation on campus, criminal activity, or some other negative behavior should be made to the Campus Security Office either by telephone at (307)855-2143, or on CWC website under Students of Concern or Title IX. (CWC Life/Students of Concern). You may contact local law enforcement by dialing 911 or (307)856-4891 (Riverton Police Department), (307)332-3131 (Lander Police Department), (307)332-5611 (Fremont County Sheriff’s Department) or (307)733-2331 (Jackson Police Department).

All reports may be made anonymously, and the College will do everything it can to maintain that confidentiality.

Drug Free Campus

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) require that Central Wyoming College inform its students and employees of the legal sanctions of illicit drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and controlled substances and/or illegal drugs may not be possessed, sold, or consumed on any college property, including housing, or at any college-sponsored event, unless otherwise allowed by law or College policy. Students violating this policy may be expelled from the college. Students and non-students may be subject to further legal action by the college.