NURS 2300 Professional Nursing Care of the Patient w/Acute Illness

This course introduces the learner to the patient and family with acute illness using the concepts of safety, clinical judgement, leadership, patient-centeredness, and professionalism. Learners will use caring behaviors, therapeutic communication, and advocacy when providing care to patients with acute illness across the lifespan. The learner will facilitate the effectiveness of the interprofessional health care team. The patient and family lived experience is emphasized. Prerequisite: Completion of NURS 1200 and NURS 1210. (3 lect., 16 hours clinical per week)


8 credits

Major Topics

  • Perioperative
  • Infection
  • Gas Exchange
  • Thermoregulation 
  • Acid Base Regulation
  • Tissue Integrity
  • Immunity
  • Reproduction/Thermoregulation
  • Mood and Affect
  • Violence/Stress and Coping
  • Perfusion
  • Intracranial Regulation
  • Inflammation
  • Elimination
  • Metabolism
  • Cellular Regulation


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify organizational responsibilities in providing a culture of safety.

2. Analyze the role of the nurse in promoting safe practice.

3. Utilize evidence based practice and clinical findings to care for patients.

4. Demonstrate leadership attributes when prioritizing, delegating, and managing care.

5. Contribute as a member of the interprofessional team.

6. Modify care to meet individual patient needs.

7. Incorporate effective communication techniques to maintain therapeutic relationships.

8. Practice basic advocacy when participating in patient care.

9. Demonstrate adherence to the core values and principles of the nursing profession.

10. Apply legal and ethical standards to the scope of practice.

11. Adapt evidence-based teaching plans to manage changes in health status.