NRST 1600 Medication Aide

This course provides the student holding current Wyoming Nursing Assistant II certification (CNA II) with the knowledge and skills needed for safe administration of medications with a predictable outcome, as delegated by an RN or LPN in selected settings. The student will explore the rationale for medication administration within the role of a Medication Assistant-Certified (MA-C) and will demonstrate these skills in the classroom and clinical settings. On successful completion, the student is eligible to take the National Medication Aide Certification Examination (MACE) to receive certification through the Wyoming State Board of Nursing. The student must be at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or the equivalent, and hold current, unencumbered CNA II certification.  (5 lect., 40 total clinical hours)


6 credits

Major Topics

Role of MA-C

   -Building Relationships (team building and communication)


   -Legal and Ethical Issues

   -Resources and References

Medication Administration, observation, and reporting

   -Medication Orders

   -Documentation of Administration

   -Medication Storage and Disposal

Safety and Rights of Medication Administration

Routes of Administration

Factors Affecting How the Body Uses Medication

Classes/Categories of Medications (Antimicrobials, Cardiovascular, Dermatological, and Endocrine) 

Causes and Reporting of Medication Errors

Reporting of Symptoms, Side Effects, and Changes from Patient’s Baseline Condition

Medication Concepts

   -Terminology and Abbreviations

   -Dosage Range

   -Actions and Implications

   -Therapeutic Non-Therapeutic Medication Effects (Idiosyncratic, Paradoxical, Additive, Antagonistic)



Mathematics, Weights and Measures

   -MA-C practices

   -Systems of Measurement


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Apply rules of safe medication administration as allowed in the MA-C role.

Report changes and abnormal findings to the nurse or healthcare provider.

Apply the principles of delegation governing the practice of a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) in Wyoming, specific to task assignment to the MA-C.

Use effective communication with patients, families, and members of the inter-professional team.

Adhere to the policies, procedures, rules and regulations that govern the MA-C in Wyoming.