FCSC 1140 Nutrition

This class will provide students with an in-depth study of nutrition. Students will gain fundamental principles of nutrition and physiology, and apply these to his/her life as well as influence others in proper nutritional concepts. This course is designed for students interested in general body nutrition and for those who have the desire to keep abreast of the latest technology in food as it relates to health and well-being. This course is recommended for students in physical education, nursing, early childhood development but is open to others as well. (2 lect.)


2 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Basic principles of nutrition
  • Relation between nutrition, health, and physical performance
  • Nutritional guidelines
  • Proper nutrition
  • Controversial issues concerning nutritional research and recommendations
  • Macronutrients and micronutrients
  • Energy balance
  • Eating disorders


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Determine healthy food choices

2. Analyze the principles of human nutrition

3. Describe the role of nutrition in maintaining health and preventing disease

4. Explain development and nutrition throughout the life cycle

5. Compare food safety (microbial) and technology (genetic engineering)

6. Examine controversies in nutritional science

7. Evaluate information with regard to validity and applicability to nutritional health.

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

Students will be evaluated from attendance, projects, quizzes, and/or exams.