EDEC 4320 Oral and Written Language Acquisition

The student will explore the nature of language development as it pertains to oral and written communication in education. Recent research in the areas of oral and written language acquisition is compared and contrasted. Implications for facilitating the development of all language modes in educational settings are emphasized. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEL 2280 and FCSC 3220. (3 lect.)



3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Theories of language acquisition
  • Language development in young children
  • Oral and written communication
  • Facilitating language development
  • Integrating language arts skills


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Describe oral and written language development in young children.

Evaluate theories of language acquisition for native English speakers, English language learners, and those with cultural and socioeconomic differences, and the significance of these differences for instructional planning.

Interpret research related to language and education including research on best pedagogical practices.

Analyze curriculum and materials used to facilitate language development.