CRMJ 1500 Basic Virtual Firearms Training

The focus of this course is on developing critical thinking, communication, and time-sensitive judgmental decision-making skills in simulated dangerous, stressful, and emergency situations. This course consists of a brief introduction on the use of certain emergency situations. This course consists of a brief introduction on the use of certain law enforcement weapons, both lethal and less lethal, and the use of state-of-the-art Virtual Firearms Training Technology in a safe and controlled environment to assist in the development of these skills. Students will be required to respond to scenarios involving continuum of force decisions. The focus of this course is not on firearms skills, handling of firearms, or proficiency with firearms. This course is not intended to, nor does it, qualify the student to meet any certification, licensing, or any other requirement for weapon ownership, possession, use or safety. (1 lect.)


1 credits

Major Topics

  • Introduction to Virtual Firearm Weapons
  • -Glock Semi-Automatic Pistol
  • -Shotgun and Semi-Automatic Rifle
  • -Tazer and OC (Oleo Capsicum) Spray
  • Basic Knowledge of Virtual Training Weapons and Shooting Techniques
  • Introduction to Shoot and Don’t Shoot Situational Scenarios
  • Introduction to Decision-Making Skills Involved in Assessing Danger and Application of Force


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of virtual weapons and shooting techniques.

2. Apply the basic fundamentals of use of force and continuum of force.

3. Demonstrate time sensitive, critical and creative thinking, communication, and judgmental decision--making skills.

4. Utilize virtual firearms training system to develop critical, creative thinking, communication, and judgmental decision-making skills as presented in stressful scenarios.

5. Discuss and explain the use of critical, judgmental, and communication skills used when reacting to the stressful scenarios.

6. Examine and explain the nature of certain emergency situations.

7. Identify and describe commonly used law enforcement weapons, both lethal and less lethal.

8. Identify, describe, and differentiate use of force continuum situations.

9. Demonstrate debriefing techniques by analyzing data, reviewing facts, evaluating, communicating information, and exercising judgmental decisions while performing in time sensitive and emergency situations.

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

Students must be at least 18 years of age. This course not appropriate for dual / concurrent enrollment. Contact on-campus instructor for textbook and other required materials. Virtual Firearms Training software and hardware system required for the course.