In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of desktop management, including customization.
2. Perform general file management, including moving and copying files and formatting disks.
3. Install and configure Windows operating system.
4 Identify and correct problems when running programs for Microsoft MS-DOS, 16-bit Windows, or 32-bit Windows.
5. Manage printing.
6. Map a drive and share a file or folder.
7. Create, save, and print documents using Windows Accessories.
8. Use object linking and embedding between documents.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of multitasking by running several programs simultaneously and switching between programs.
10. Demonstrate an understanding of Windows multimedia features.
11. Locate information on the Internet.
12. Identify and describe the two major types of networks.
13. Use common DOS commands at the Windows command prompt.
14. Describe the implementation of security through the use of profiles.
15. Describe and explain the Windows boot sequence.
16. Identify and describe the elements of the Windows Registry.
Recommended software: Windows XP
Recommended textbook: Franklin, Beedle, and Associates text by Carolyn Gillay for a Windows course.
Reading: The student's reading level for this course should be at a minimum of an 11th grade level.
Previous course work.—Keyboarding and mouse skills.
Grading: The following is the recommended grading scale to be used to determine your final grade:
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
F = 59% and below