ART 1000 General Studio Art

This is an art appreciation course designed for students with little or no art experience. This hands-on class will explore a variety of art creating materials and approaches while discussing historical and contemporary art movements and artists. (2 lect., 4 lab) ARTS


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Extensive exploration of the elements of art and principles of design
  • -(Elements: 1.Line 2.Color 3.Value 4.Shape 5.Texture)
  • Exploration of historical and contemporary art forms, concepts, techniques, and theories from a variety of cultures
  • Exploration of a wide variety of art media and materials
  • Critical /creative thinking and idea generation strategies
  • The role of art in historical and contemporary cultures


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify and use the elements and principles of art in the art making process

2. Describe and identify traditional and contemporary art forms

3. Describe the important role of visual arts in diverse historical and contemporary cultures

4. Practice the use of basic art tools, materials, and techniques in the production and review of two dimensional and three dimensional art making  

5. Produce original works of art in a variety of art media based on art historical and contemporary investigations, art theories, and creative exercises from various cultures

6. Critique their artwork as well as the work of others using the language of art