NRST 1550 Certified Nursing Assistant II

This course provides the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) an opportunity to prepare for practice in an expanded role in selected healthcare settings. The student will explore the rationale for skill procedures within the role of a CNA II, and will demonstrate those skills in the classroom and clinical setting. On successful completion of the course, the student is eligible for certification as a CNA II. Eligibility criteria set forth by the Wyoming State Board of Nursing includes current, unencumbered Wyoming nursing assistant certification and documentation of 1,500 work hours as a CNA. In addition, the student must be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or the equivalent. Students earning credit in HLTK 1685 may not earn credit in NRST 1550. Prerequisites: None. (2 lect., 2 lab)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Regulation of CNA II
    • Wyoming State Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations
    • Scope of practice and ethical legalities for the CNA II (W.S. 33-21-122 (c) (iii))
    • Standards of Delegation
    • Interprofessional Communication
  • Medical / Surgical Asepsis
    • Sterilization and Disinfection
    • Infection Control
  • Patient Safety
  • Assisting with Peripheral Intravenous Fluids
  • Measuring Capillary Blood Glucose
  • Urinary Procedures
    • Specimen Collection and Handling
    • Foley Catheter Management and Removal
    • Bladder Scanning Procedure

Elimination Procedures

          Ostomy Care


          Specimen collection and Handling

  • Respiratory Procedures

          Deep Breathing and Coughing Exercises

          Oxygen Therapy with Nasal Cannula

           Oropharyngeal Suctioning

           Specimen Collection and Handling

           Incentive Spirometry

           Nebulizer Treatment (assisting with self-administration)

           Tracheostomy Suctioning and Care

Enteral Tubes and Feeding

         Gastrostomy and Percutaneous Gastric (PEG) Tube Feedings and Site Care

         Intake and Output

         Basic Healthcare Math

Basic Wound Care

         Heat and Cold Applications

         Simple Dressing Changes

         Simple Dressing Changes for Stable Wounds

         Suture and Staple Removal

Immobility Support and Orthopedic Devices

Basic First Aid Procedures


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Identify the policies, procedures, rules and regulations that govern the CNA II in Wyoming.

Describe the ethical legalities guiding CNA II practice.

Explain the principles of delegation governing the practice of a registered professional nurse in Wyoming, specific to task assignment to the CNA II.

Demonstrate CNA II skills approved by the Wyoming State Board of Nursing in accordance with best practice guidelines.

Model appropriate communication within the healthcare team and with patients and their families.