NRST 1510 Nursing Assistant

This course uses a blended delivery format that combines online learning with required meetings in a lab setting followed by 36 hours of direct care clinical. The student is introduced to the theory, principles, and skills necessary to provide patient-centered care as a nursing assistant in healthcare settings. Topics include scope of practice, patient rights, communication strategies, infection control, patient safety, and basic nursing skills. Upon satisfactory completion, the student is eligible to take the state competency examination for certification as a nursing assistant.  (3 lect., 36 clinical hours) 


4 credits

Major Topics

  • The scope of practice and role of the nursing assistant
  • Infection and infection control
  • Environmental and nursing assistant safety
  • Patient safety and positioning
  • Patient mobility and transfers
  • Vital signs, intake and output
  • Bathing, daily care, and comfort measures
  • Death and dying
  • Special populations
  • Nutrition
  • Fluid balance
  • Fingerstick blood sugar monitoring
  • Warm and cold applications
  • Sequential compression devices and elasticized stocking application
  • Skin care
  • Basic emergencies


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Provide safe care as an entry-level nursing assistant that includes infection prevention and control measures.

Report changes and abnormal findings to the nurse or healthcare provider.

Utilize effective communication with patients, families, and members of the interprofessional team.

Provide considerate and respectful care to patients under the guidance of a nurse.

Demonstrate professionalism by following Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines and practice within the scope mandated by Wyoming State Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations.

Apply basic restorative and rehabilitative interventions aimed at promoting health.