CRMJ 2505 Advanced I Virtual Firearms Training

Advanced II Virtual Firearms Training is a capstone course, which incorporates all of the components of the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced I Virtual Firearms Training courses. The student is required to participate in specific advanced training scenarios that require critical and creative thinking, expert communication delivery, and split-second judgmental decision making in a safe and controlled environment. This course will emphasize the basic laws, policies, and procedures a person is responsible for while taking into account when use of force may be required. The student is expected to operate the training firearms and to recognize the importance of knowledge of laws and issues surrounding continuum of force decisions. The focus of this course is not on firearms skills, handling of firearms, or proficiency with firearms. This course is not intended to, nor does it, qualify the student to meet any certification, licensing, or any other requirement for weapon ownership, possession, use or safety. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits. Prerequisite: Completion of Advanced I Virtual Firearms Training (CRMJ 2500). (1 lect.)  (Max 3)


1 credits