Direct Exam

Students may earn a portion of their degree by methods other than the traditional classroom educational experience by demonstrating their knowledge through examination. Credits may be earned through Advanced Placement Examination (APE), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Wyoming Constitution Test, DANTES, and military service. If the request is granted, a departmental instructor will develop an exam that corresponds with the outcomes, objectives, and rigor of the course and program. Exams may be written, oral, or a demonstration.  


Advanced Placement Examination (APE)

Central Wyoming College participates in the advanced placement program for high school students conducted by the College Entrance Examination Board. Students showing proficiency will pass the APE with one of the following scores:

5  Extremely Well Qualified

4  Well Qualified

3  Possibly Qualified


Contact the Student Records Office for specific qualifying score information.

Students receiving passing scores on the APE exams will receive transfer credit and a grade of “S.” Students who are unable to make arrangements through their high school to take the examinations should write to the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations, P.O. Box 6671, Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6671. CWC does not transfer in advanced placement credits from another institution. An official score report must be requested from the College Board (see address above) and be sent directly to the CWC Student Records Office.


College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Central Wyoming College accepts many of the subject examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Students may earn college credit through these examinations by scoring at least the minimum scores established by Central Wyoming College.  Applications for the examinations can be made at any time. There is a fee for CLEP Examinations. Copies of the CLEP Policy are available upon request from the Testing Center located in the CWC Library or the Student Records Office. If CLEP is not available for a particular course, students may consider Credit by Examination (see Credit by Examination policy).



International Baccalaureate (IB)

Central Wyoming College grants credit on a course-by-course basis for higher level exams in which grades of 4 or higher are received.  Please contact the Office of the Registrar for information on the evaluation of specific exams.




Central Wyoming College accepts a number of examinations from the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES).  Students may earn college credit through these exams by scoring at or above the minimum scores established by Central Wyoming College.  There is a fee for each examination. For copies of the DANTES policy and information about taking the exams, contact the Student Records Office or the CWC Testing Center.



Military Service Credit

Students must submit a Joint Services transcript or other appropriate documentation of the courses and applicable experiences to the CWC Registrar.  

  1. The credit from the military transcript is evaluated by the Registrar according to American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations.  

  2. Freshman and Sophomore level (Lower Level) courses are accepted for transfer.  Upper Level courses will be accepted on a case by case basis, upon student request, only if required for the student’s degree program.  

  3. The Office of the Registrar determines course equivalencies. If the equivalency is not readily apparent, the Registrar will consult with the appropriate faculty or dean.  If a course equivalency is not made, the course will be transferred as an elective.

  4. Total transfer course credits will be noted on the student’s CWC official transcript, but not the individual courses.

  5. The transfer GPA is not displayed on the CWC official transcript.


CWC Credit by Examination

Students may take Challenge Exams (skills assessment) developed by CWC faculty for courses in which he/she is seeking credit. Not all CWC courses have the Challenge Exam option available.  Contact the appropriate faculty to see if this option is available for the course you wish to challenge. Enrolled CWC degree-seeking students in good academic and financial standing may petition to receive credit by examination for courses numbered 1000-2999. Credit by examination includes Challenge Exams (skills assessment) and other methods of student competence. This method of obtaining educational credit is not recommended for all students and/or courses. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisors before considering this option.

  1. Students must not be currently enrolled in the course to be challenged.

  2. Students may seek credit by examination for any given course only once in a twelve-month period.

  3. The fee for credit by examination is $50 paid before the examination is given. The fee is not considered tuition for the course, therefore is in addition to tuition paid for all other registered courses for the semester in which the credit by examination is earned.

  4. A copy of the Credit by Examination Policy and Request Form is available upon request from the Testing Center or the Student Records Office.

  5. Please note, credits earned through Credit by Examination might not be accepted for transfer at another institution.

  6. Credit awarded will be determined by program faculty.

  7. Evaluation and transcription of credit earned through Challenge Exams or portfolio review will be completed within 20 business days when submitted during the fall or spring terms. Portfolios submitted during the summer term or holiday breaks may require additional evaluation and processing time.

  8. Credit by Examination is not available for courses for which CLEP is available.   

Wyoming Constitution Test

All students graduating from any degree program at CWC must complete the Wyoming Constitution general education requirement. If students have successfully completed a government or constitution course in any of the other 49 states or the District of Columbia, they may take the CWC Wyoming Constitution test to complete the requirement. Upon successful completion of the test, the students will receive 1 credit of “Credit by Examination” posted on their transcript. The test fee is $50 during the semester the test is taken. Students eligible to take the CWC Wyoming Constitution test should contact the Testing Center located in the CWC Library.