Mathematics, AS

Program Description

The program in Mathematics allows the student to focus on a specific area of mathematics or to garner a broad background in a variety of mathematical concepts. This program is suited for those planning to pursue a four-year degree in Mathematics, Secondary Mathematics Education or other related program. This degree is designed for transfer to the University of Wyoming or other four-year institutions.

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
Student must complete six (6) credits of General Education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, ARTS/HUM/SOC. 6 credits
LSCI (in program)
MATH (in program)
ORAL 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
MATH 2200Calculus I

5 credits

MATH 2205Calculus II

5 credits

MATH 2210Calculus III

5 credits

MATH 2250Elementary Linear Algebra

3 credits

MATH 2310Applied Differential Equations

3 credits

MATH 2800Math Major Seminar

2 credits

PHYS 1310College Physics I

4 credits

PHYS 1320College Physics II

4 credits

Program Electives

Student must choose a minimum of seven (7) credits from the following courses:

Course NumberTitleCredits
BIOL 1010General Biology I

4 credits

BIOL 2020General Biology II

4 credits

CHEM 1020General Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM 1030General Chemistry II

4 credits

CHEM 2320Organic Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM 2340Organic Chemistry II

4 credits

COSC 1010Intro to Computer ScienceI:

4 credits

COSC 1030Computer Science I:

4 credits

ES 2110Statics

3 credits

GEOG 1100Introduction to Geographic Info Systems

4 credits

MATH 2355Mathematical Applications (for Business)

4 credits

STAT 2050Fundamentals of Statistics

4 credits

General Electives (3 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 60