Agri-Business, AS

Program Description

The goal of the Associate of Science in Agri-Business is to provide the first step in preparing students for a Bachelor’s degree in Agri-Business at a four-year institution.

The general studies and program requirement components offer students a broad base of knowledge in English, communication, political science, economics, farm and ranch business management, and other areas required in the first two years of or transfer degree.

Program electives allow students to select additional agriculture and/or ranch management courses to complement an Agri-Business degree.

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) (in program)
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
Student must complete six (6) credits of General Education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, ARTS/HUM/SOC. (SOC is in the program) 3 credits
SOC (in program)
LSCI (in program)
MATH (in program)
ORAL (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
ACCT 1010Principles of Accounting I

4 credits

ACCT 1020Principles of Accounting II

3 credits

AGEC 2020Farm and Ranch Business Management

4 credits

BADM 1020Business Communications

3 credits

BIOL 1010General Biology I

4 credits

CO/M 1010Public Speaking

3 credits

ECON 1010Macroeconomics

3 credits

ECON 1020Microeconomics

3 credits

IMGT 2400Intro to Information Management

3 credits

MATH 1400College Algebra

4 credits

MATH 2350Business Calculus

4 credits


STAT 2050Fundamentals of Statistics

4 credits


STAT 2070Intro. Statistics/Social Sciences

4 credits

Program Electives

Student must choose a minimum of six (6) credits from the following courses:

Course NumberTitleCredits
AECL 1000Agroecology

4 credits

AECL 2100Integrated Resource Management

3 credits

AGEC 2010Farm and Ranch Business Records

3 credits

ANSC 1010Livestock Production I

4 credits

ANSC 2020Feeds and Feeding

4 credits

REWM 1000Intro to Range Management

1 credits

REWM 1300Intro to Water Resources

3 credits

REWM 2000Principles of Range Management

3 credits

REWM 2500Rangeland Plant Identification

2 credits

SOIL 2010Introduction to Soil Science

4 credits

General Electives (2 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 60