Veteran’s Financial Aid Standards of Progress

All Central Wyoming College students who receive Veterans’ education benefits must satisfy the following standards of progress to remain eligible for financial assistance.

Standards of Satisfactory Progress

Federal regulations require an institution to establish Standards of Satisfactory Progress for all students receiving federal veteran’s education benefits. Applicants must maintain satisfactory academic progress both prior to and during the semesters aid is received. Standards of satisfactory progress are as follows:

  1. Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
  2. There must be a completion rate of 67 percent (two-thirds) of the cumulative/attempted credit hours. Examples of this requirement:
    Cumulative credit hours attempted Calculation of 67 Cumulative credits completed
    20 (x.67)= 14
    15 (x.67)= 10
    12 (x.67)= 8
    9 (x.67)= 6
    6 (x.67)= 4
  3. Completed courses with a grade of “D” or better will be counted to meet the minimum requirements, including required pre-college courses. Credits with the following grades are not counted toward the minimum requirements: F (Failure), Z (Audit), X (Incomplete), U (Unsatisfactory), T (Temporary), W (Withdrawal) and WI (Withdrawal by Instructor).
  4. Failure to maintain the requirements in paragraphs 1 and 2 above will result in a warning status. The VA will be notified of a student in warning status. Funding will be limited to one additional semester only if it can be reasonably expected the student can successfully reinstate Standards of Satisfactory Progress by the end of the term. If a student does not reinstate Standards of Satisfactory Progress at the end of the term, all Veterans education benefits will be cancelled, the student is placed on probation status. Probation status is reported to the VA and no coursework will be certified for VA education benefits until satisfactory progress has been met.
  5. NOTE: A student who finishes a semester with straight F’s, W’s or WI’s (or combination thereof) is immediately cancelled and placed on probation status. All federal financial aid programs, including Veterans education benefits, will be cancelled as the student will not be able to meet the Standards of Satisfactory Progress (unless it can be reasonably expected the student can successfully reinstate Standards of Satisfactory Progress by the end of the next term). Probation status is reported to the VA and no coursework will be certified for VA education benefits until satisfactory progress has been met.
  6. If a student is cancelled and placed on probation status, and they feel there are extenuating circumstances as to why they did not meet STANDARDS OF SATISFACTORY PROGRESS, they may file a written PETITION to appeal to reinstate financial aid. The PETITION and all supporting documentation is submitted to the Financial Aid Office no later than two weeks prior to the start of the term. IF PETITION is approved, probation status will not be reported to the VA (or recertification will be made) and VA benefits will continue if student is eligible.

Additional Notes regarding Eligibility

If student VA benefits are cancelled and petitions are denied, students are eligible to continue to enroll for courses if they pay for courses themselves.