Standards of Academic Progress for International Students

Federal regulations require an institution to establish Standards of Satisfactory Progress for International Students studying in the USA on an F-1 Visa. During their stay at Central Wyoming College, these students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress each semester.

Standards of Satisfactory Progress for International Students studying in the USA on an F-1 Visa are as follows:

  1. Students are required to enroll in at least 12 credits each semester for fall or spring semesters, a minimum of 6 credits for a summer semester; and
  2. Students are required to earn at least 8 credits each semester for fall or spring semesters, at least 4 credits for a summer semester, and
  3. Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 grade point average.

Pre-college level courses (courses numbered less than 1000) are included in the 12-credit enrollment requirement (6-credit for summer), the 8-credit earned requirement (4-credit for summer), and the calculation for cumulative grade point average for meeting the Standards of Academic Progress for International Students.

To earn credit in a course, the student must earn a grade of A-D or S. Courses with the following grades do not earn credit: F (Failure); Z (Audit); X (Incomplete); U (Unsatisfactory); IP (In Progress); T (Temporary); W (Withdrawal); AW (Administrative Withdrawal); and WI (Withdrawal by Instructor). Courses with a grade of D generally do not meet academic program requirements – see Degree Requirements in this catalog.

Failure to maintain the requirements stated above will result in a student being put on probation with CWC and with the Office Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for a period of one semester. Failure to maintain these requirements for two consecutive semesters will result in termination of the student’s visa and suspension from the college.

Students on other forms of visa are required to abide by the visa restrictions as stated by the State Department.