Academic Standing

Good Standing

Good Standing is a term used to describe students who maintain at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA and have completed at least 67% of the cumulative credits attempted.

Academic Probation

Academic Probation is a warning that a student is not in Good Standing. A student whose cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.00 OR who completes fewer than 67% of cumulative credits attempted will be placed on Academic Probation during the next semester in which he/she is enrolled.

First-time students on Academic Probation will be required to attend an academic success training session at the beginning of their first semester on Academic Probation AND maintain frequent contact with their respective Success Coach. Students who do not adequately attend/participate in the training session or the Success Coach contact may be academically suspended. Ongoing students on Academic Probation will be required to maintain frequent contact with their respective Success Coach.

At the end of each probationary semester, the student who:

  1. achieves a 2.00 cumulative GPA or higher AND completes 67% or more of credits attempted, will be placed on Good Standing.
  2. achieves a 2.00 semester GPA or higher, but the cumulative GPA is still below 2.00 OR does not complete 67% or more of credits attempted, will remain on Academic Probation;
  3. Fails to achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.00 OR complete 67% or higher of credits attempted, will be placed on Academic Suspension.

Academic Suspension

Students on Academic Suspension cannot return to Central Wyoming College during the semester following an unsuccessful probationary period. After that semester, a student on Academic Suspension may petition to re-enroll by submitting a letter to the Director of Student Success providing information that indicates readiness to succeed. If the petition is approved, the student will be admitted under Academic Probation status and will be subject to the parameters described above.