ZOO 2140 Cadaver Anatomy

This course involves dissection of human anatomical donors for the purpose of studying human anatomy at the macroscopic level. The lecture portion of the course builds upon the principles of anatomy acquired in previous coursework. In the laboratory portion of the course, the student will learn basic dissection techniques and will apply them to the dissection of a human anatomical donor. The course is regionally organized so that the primary focus is on the thorax, abdominal and cranial regions. Extremity, back and pelvic prosections will be studied. Prerequisites: Successful completion of ZOO 2015, ZOO 2025 or instructor permission. This course may be repeated for up to four credits on different topics. (1 lect., 3 lab)


2 credits


Completion of ZOO 2015, ZOO 2025 or Instructor Permission.