PEAC 1000 Fitness:

These physical activities courses are for men and women. A maximum of six physical education activity credits is allowable unless otherwise noted as an Outdoor Education course (OE).  (2 lab) PEAC The activities presently available are: aerobics, archery, badminton, basketball, beginning swimming, bowling, cross country, exercise/circuit training, emergency water safety/life- guard training, golf, heavy resistance, intermediate swimming, modern dance (may be taken as PEAC 1000 or THEA 1430 but a maximum of one credit will be allowed for content), mountain touring, racquetball, skiing, slimnastics, social dance, softball, team activities (co-ed), tennis, tumbling and stunts, varsity rodeo, volleyball, wellness activity.  Varsity Rodeo will satisfy the P.E. activity requirement at Central Wyoming College. However, students should be advised that when transferring to the University of Wyoming, varsity sport will not satisfy that institutions' P.E. requirement.


1 credits