Science, AS Expand All

Program Description

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
Student must complete six (6) credits of General Education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, ARTS/HUM/SOC 6 credits
LSCI (in program)
MATH (in program)
ORAL (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Program Requirements

Course NumberTitleCredits
BIOL 1010General Biology I

4 credits

CHEM 1020General Chemistry I

4 credits

CO/M 1010Public Speaking

3 credits


PHYS 1110General Physics I

4 credits


PHYS 1310College Physics I

4 credits

Program Electives

Course NumberTitleCredits
ASTR 1050Survey of Astronomy

4 credits

ATSC 2000Introduction to Meteorology

4 credits

ATSC 2110Introduction to Climatology

4 credits

BIOL 1080Intro to Environmental Science

4 credits

BIOL 2020General Biology II

4 credits

CHEM 1021Chemical Problem Solving I

1 credits

CHEM 1030General Chemistry II

4 credits

CHEM 1031Chemical Problem Solving II

1 credits

CHEM 2230Quantitative Analysis

4 credits


CHEM 2300Introductory Organic Chemistry

4 credits


CHEM 2320Organic Chemistry I

4 credits


CHEM 2340Organic Chemistry II

4 credits


COSC 1010Intro to Computer Science I:

4 credits


ES 1060Intro to Engineering Problem Solving

3 credits


GEOL 1100Physical Geology

4 credits

GEOL 1470Environmental Geology

4 credits

HLTK 1200Medical Terminology

3 credits

MATH 1400College Algebra

4 credits

MATH 1405Trigonometry

3 credits

MATH 2200Calculus I

5 credits

MATH 2205Calculus II

5 credits

MATH 2210Calculus III

5 credits

MATH 2250Elementary Linear Algebra

3 credits

MATH 2310Applied Differential Equations

3 credits

MOLB 2210General Microbiology

4 credits


PHYS 1120General Physics II

4 credits


PHYS 1320College Physics II

4 credits


PSYC 1000General Psychology

4 credits

SOC 1000Sociological Principles

3 credits

STAT 2050Fundamentals of Statistics

4 credits

ZOO 2015Human Anatomy

4 credits

ZOO 2025Human Physiology

4 credits

ZOO 2140Cadaver Anatomy

2 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60