Meta Major: Humanities, AA

Program Description

This is a college transfer program for students who wish to combine coursework in several areas of interest within the humanities and the arts. Students may include a variety of courses or may concentrate on more specific areas of interest.

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
ARTS (in program)
HUM (in program)
LSCI 4 credits
MATH 3 credits
ORAL 3 credits
SOC 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Program Requirements

Students must choose a minimum of twenty-one (21) credits of course program requirements from the following list of courses:

Course NumberTitleCredits
ART 1000General Studio Art

3 credits


ART 1005Drawing I

3 credits


ART 1150B&W Film Photography I

3 credits


ART 2145Digital Photography I

3 credits


ART 2210Painting I

3 credits


ART 2310Sculpture I

3 credits


ART 2410Ceramics I

3 credits


ART 2010Art History I

3 credits

ART 2020Art History II

3 credits

CO/M 2135Gender and Communication

3 credits

ENGL 2050Creative Writing- IntroductionýTo Fiction

3 credits

ENGL 2140World Literature

3 credits

FILM 1200Cinema History

3 credits


HIST 1110Western Civilization I

3 credits


HIST 1120Western Civilization II

3 credits


HUMN 2025Humanities Through the Arts

3 credits

MUSC 1000Introduction to Music

3 credits

THEA 1000Introduction to the Theatre

3 credits

Program Electives

Students must choose a minimum of nine (9) credits either from previously unselected program requirements listed above or program electives listed below.

Course NumberTitleCredits
ENGL 2050Creative Writing- IntroductionýTo Fiction

3 credits

ENGL 2230Introduction to Shakespeare

3 credits

ENGL 2286Legends and Lore

3 credits

FILM 1000Introduction to Film

3 credits

HIST 2290History of U.S. Indians

3 credits

HUMN 2430World Religions

3 credits

LIBS 2280Literature for Children

3 credits

MDIA 1000Introduction to Mass Media

3 credits

MUSC 1015Music Fundamentals

3 credits

MUSC 1425History of Rock Music

3 credits

THEA 2010Theatrical Backgrounds Drama I

3 credits

THEA 2020Theatrical Backgrounds Drama II

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60