ESL 1000 American Culture & English Conversation

This course is designed to help students who are not from the United States and for whom English is a foreign language become familiar with Amer- ican culture and conversation. The course en- courages students to recognize differences between their own culture and American culture, focussing on the importance of good communication among the people of the world. The students will be exposed to various cultrual and social institutions in the West by visiting areas like, but not limited to, the Wind River Indian reservation, local ranches, historic pioneer and mining/ghost town sites on South Pass. Students will be required to complete a writing assignment after each experience detail- ing the similarities and differences between their own culture and the culture of those they interact ed with. The course will also offer students op- portunities to converse with native English speak- ers in contexts outside of the classroom. Prereq- uisite: enrollment in CWC's Intensive English Institute. (3 lect.)


3 credits